That’s Just Not Going to Work


‘That just won’t work.”

We’ve all heard that phrase before, haven’t we? And what happens when we hear it? We immediately feel shut down. We feel that we have no recourse nor forward movement. It stops us dead in our tracks.

Now, you know who you will never, ever hear this phrase from? A successful person. A leader of industry. Why?

Leaders of industry make things work, even when they don’t. They find a way, and they motivate the people around them to find a way as well.

Instead of shutting a person down, they help that person to think beyond or through the issue that won’t work and get them to find a way to make it work. This is what a leader does. He or she leads the person through the problem to the solution.

Now, as a leader you don’t need to know that solution yourself. It’s not necessary for you to know the solution first in order to lead the person you hired to find it there. How does this work? Well, you can very well inspire someone to think further and deeper and sideways about an issue and then get them there.

Read the full article here: 10 phrases successful people avoid

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