Einstein wore the same colored suit (please note, it was not the same, single suit) and tennis shoes everyday of his productive life (when he was genius-ing around the world).
You and I are not Einstein. Though he was known lovingly for that rumpled look and that same, cream colored suit…we should not be remembered for anything regarding our physical experience except for an immaculate presentation.
This goes for both the male and female CEO. Gender does not matter. Now, I know that the link we have for you today is to the width of the suit lapel and the proper placement of the tie…but you see, that is simply to illustrate a simple point:
Appearance matters.
One’s appearance says a lot about them as a person. It conveys a message. A person who keeps a close eye on their appearance and attire is a person who conveys an air of professionalism and one with a meticulous nature.
People pay attention to such things. More importantly, such things are important to people. They care about the person they are doing business with, and they want to see that you care as well. How do they determine this?
Well, take a look in the mirror…
Read the full article here: Find the perfect tie to match your suit