The Solution to the Skills Gap Could Already Be Inside Your Company

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When it comes to your company finding the solution to the skills gap can be a very important and critical aspect to the success of your company. However sometime the solution to this can already be inside of the company itself. This article offers you the insight and a more in depth look into how the solution to the skills gap could already be inside your company.

Key Takeaways:

  • The challenge is obvious: the quickening pace of technological change has shrunk the shelf life of skills acquired by today’s university graduates to just a few years.
  • We all need to be cognizant that the systemic, industrial-age corporate ladder approach to career development has given way to a digital-age corporate “lattice” with multidirectional career paths—and all the responsibilities that go along with it.
  • The capabilities, experiences and relationships that got you the job you have today are transferrable in the future. Instead of climbing the ladder as you might have in the past, you’ll be well-served to also consider lateral or diagonal moves.

“Companies have two options to meet talent shortages—they can look to an external labor market, or they can focus on developing their internal labor market.”

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