Three Steps To Take If You’re Worried Your Work Performance Is Slipping

Feelings of lethargy or overall anxiety about how we are functioning at work can be commonplace. There are times where individuals feel that their performance is falling or needs an improvement. There are several steps that individuals can take to counteract this feeling. They include talking with someone at work who is not going to throw out cliches about “getting over it”. Additionally, employees can talk to their bosses about performance to get relevant observations, as well as also keep an inventory of recent work performed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Unless you’ve assembled the least sensitive group of friends on the planet, I bet you can think of one or two people who are really good at listening to you vent. So, reach out to those people and explain how afraid you are that you’ll walk into work one day and run into your replacement on the way in.
  • There are no rules to keeping track of what makes you not-so-replaceable. Find what works for you, and treat yourself to regular check-ins to remind yourself that you’re doing some important work.
  • Take a step back and think about where this fear is coming from. Is it coming from long talks with your manager and HR about your performance, or is it stemming from a recent mistake (or even fear of a mistake) you made?

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