Memory recall can be one of the most important aspects and tools of your leadership. We use our memory all the time. Whether we are in a board room meeting trying to recall figures, or in a chance encounter with an important business leader we met recently at a gala…
…our recall of memory has very important applications.
Now, you may be thinking for a second that our recall of figures during a board room meeting is unnecessary, since we’ll have our power point presentations right there in front of us. But how many times have you been in a meeting where a random question was asked about some particular subject, which on the surface is seemingly tangential from the topic you are currently discussing, only to realize that it does indeed have a very real connection to the topic at hand?
Yes, situations like this occur way too often. The ability to recall certain facts from your memory can then have some very important applications for you and your business.
So take a look at today’s article, which helpfully gives us 7 things we can do to improve upon our memory and make it even more useful in such situations.
Read the full article here: 7 surprising ways to boost your memory