Vulnerability in Leadership



It may sound a bit out there, but exhibiting vulnerability in leadership is one of the best ways to grow as a leader. It shows that you are not just willing to give the orders to people, but  that you are also willing to listen when it is needed.

And this is much what vulnerability is like and about. A lot of people will see it as a leader who engages with others by allowing them to engage. What does this mean? Well, for example it means that when it comes to a conversation you are willing to let the other person take the lead and drive the conversation. Now, you know as a leader how difficult this can actually be. You are used to driving all of the engagement and leading things to an intended conclusion. But when you allow others to engage in this manner and give them an opportunity to thrive by sharing, you show to them that you are the type of leader who values everybody in the company.

This type of leadership is important and will keep people engaged for sure. Take a look at today’s article to see even further ways to keep people engaged.


Read the full article here: Practice the Magical Strength of Vulnerability

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