An entrepreneur with a fear of water discusses why the cognitive process of listening to her trainer and thinking about blowing bubbles rather than reacting can help us overcome whatever fears may be holding us back. When she focused on the process of bubbles, bubbles, breathe, she was able to push past her panic and accomplish her goal. She recommends this same strategy of thinking about the steps any time we find fear keeping us from our goals.
Key Takeaways:
- Create a plan that lays out steps of how you will conquer your fears; this can work for a personal fear or something that you need to do for your business like adding skills or public speaking.
- Anxiety can be overcome by going back to the rational steps that you laid out to deal with your fear.
- If you begin to be fearful go back and think about the steps you’ve laid out to go back to your rational mind instead of the fearful side of your mind.
“It may not seem like the most important skill to learn in the grand scheme of things, but for me, it was the first step in overcoming a lifelong fear of water.”
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