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Readers respond to an earlier article about women’s work/life balance when they have young children. Readers share tips for how to use time more efficiently, how best to take care of oneself, and reminding others to remember what really matters: family. The writer responds respectfully and thoughtfully to what various readers had to say about the previous article.
Key Takeaways:
- Everyone is struggling in their own way, although the challenges are common.
- It’s hard for women in professional spheres to admit when they’re having a rough go of it.
- You can offer better value to your organisation doing something other than “pure” project management.
“This mother made me question why more people don’t talk about the challenges of working and parenting at the same time. Is it because we’re scared of what our bosses might think if they knew how little sleep we’d had and how we’ve spent the first 20 minutes of what should be a work-from-home day dealing with toddlers who have just scribbled with chalk all over the dining room walls?”