Closing out a relationship with another person is always hard to do. Whether it’s a friend or a loved one, it doesn’t matter. These types of breaks tend to take a toll on us.
Terminating a working relationship is really no different. Leading up to that termination there can be a considerable amount of frustration and stress to deal with. You may be dealing with issues of how to handle it properly, of how to keep your dignity as well as another person’s intact, and finally how to make for the easiest transition possible.
Well, today we have a marvelous article to help you with these thoughts. It’s helpful in that it really works to help you think through what a termination is, and how it can be done as to not burn any bridges with the individual. And this is the key. It’s all about maintaining that relationship.
One thing is for sure, these types of relationships in business have a tendency to come around again. So helping somebody through a period of transition can go a long way in preserving the relationship as is. A termination does not always have to be abrupt nor sudden. If things simply are not working out, you can work on maintaining a relationship by helping that person come to understand a better place they may work and fit in. Take a look at this article for more on this important subject.
Read the full article here: 4 Reasons You Should Help Your Company Employees Leave Gracefully