In a world of high stress situations, a leader is meant to keep a calm head. Employees don’t want to see their employer fly off the handle. Leaders that can’t successfully navigate hardships and problems are automatically seen as weaker. This could lead to lack of respect, questionable power, or ultimately a loss of job. To overcome, follow 5 steps: 1. Breathe. 2. Check your facial expressions. 3. Take a minute to think before you react. 4. Go to your “happy place” in your mind. 5. Vent to someone you trust that is completely removed from your work life.
Key Takeaways:
- Part of being a good leader means not showing your negative feelings or reacting quickly.
- A leader who shows negative emotional cues, even in subtle ways, can put his career and team at risk.
- It’s best to react coolly in stressful situations and keep micro agressions under control in the work environment.
“Your top performer just quit. Your big client is ending their contract. You’ve caught an employee stealing from the company. Anger, resentment, and disappointment are rushing through you. All you want to do is scream, yell, maybe even break down in tears.”