div#keypoints {
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li#takeaway1, li#takeaway2, li#takeaway3 {
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Are the best leaders great followers? It would seem so as the author explains in great detail of how many mighty men humbly followed and learned greatness from their leaders. Through their loyalty men like Moses, Elisha, and the Apostle Peter obediently served and by doing so escaped they title of tyrant. As thier legacy continues to influence us today, we should ask ourselves how we too can become a better follower.
Key Takeaways:
- It includes books, podcasts, magazines, blogs, conferences, and even graduate degrees from major universities.
- They understand their role. You can’t be a good follower unless you have clearly identified the leader.
- This is how great leaders model the standards of acceptable behavior to their own followers.
“I contend that if you want to be a great leader, you must first become a great follower.”