


Why do you do what you do? Have you ever asked yourself that question? We make moves every day; decisions on the fly countless numbers of times and reasoned decisions some of the time; all of them come from somewhere.

Perhaps they are motivated by external forces beyond our control. Regardless of where those decisions come from, we still respond to them. The way we respond, the how of it, is what we are talking about today.

Understanding how you respond to something is crucial to understanding your style of leadership, and how you can improve as a leader.

We must take a moment to understand these motivations so we can grow and push our companies further. If we are not pushing ourselves as leaders of industry and business, our companies will stagnate rather than grow.

Take a moment, then, to consider the “why” of your leadership. What are your motivations and passions? Understanding yourself will safe guard you and lead you on.

Take a moment to peruse today’s discussion on this in this extremely helpful article.


Read the full article here: 3 ways Simon Sinek’s “Why?” changed my life

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