That Work-Life Balance

Here’s a fascinating article for you to take a look at today regarding the balance between work and life from the perspective of a manager and an employee.

This applies to those of us who are CEOs as well. Essentially, what the article portrays is the understanding that everything comes down to a matter of perspective.

How a person views themselves in a company will determine how they understand that balance and this will in turn create a drive.

For CEOs, it’s obvious that in many ways our lives are very much invested in the companies we are leading, so life and work sort of blend together. We will do whatever it takes to lead and drive our company forward.

However, for the worker in our company it can be quite a different experience. Life may come first and foremost…

What can we do to remedy this? Well, for one thing, we can instill a deeper sense of investment in our employees. Remove the notion that they are simply employees getting a job done for us. Take the time to invest them in the company and make them a part of it. Build a team.

For more on what this looks like, take a look at today’s article.


Read the full article here: Why managers and employees have wildly different ideas about work-life balance

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