Out of this world results…

Christopher Nolan’s new movie, Interstellar, is about to hit audiences worldwide. The film is already being hailed by many critics as an absolute masterpiece, on both the story-telling front as well as the technical front. You see, the auteur is well-known just as much for his technological use of cameras and new technology as he is for his ability to tell a compelling story (think MementoThe Dark Knight Trilogy). Industry people have been waiting for the movie for quite some time, as it has been held in secrecy for months during production. Now that it is being released, people flock to see both elements of this filmmaker’s work. Of interest to us today is how Nolan can captivate not only his audience, but also his peers, with his know how and technical skills. Many will come to watch the film, all for their own reasons. Notice how Nolan’s innovative work on both sides of the camera serves to draw crowds in: both the fans as well as the industry. This is the hallmark of true innovation. True innovation is relevant to the mass market. It changes the face of the market and drives it in a completely different direction. True innovation is relevant to the market insiders. It creates new opportunities with its technological drive. True innovation effects both sides of the coin. It is not enough for us as business leaders to think about our own business…it’s direction and shape. We must think about the other side of the coin as well, the industry as a whole. How will our business not only serve the consumer, but also shape business in the future? This is innovation. You can either follow it, or make it. You decide.   Read the full article here: Interstellar: A Hollywood Blockbuster That Arrives In Many Forms

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