It’s no secret that leading a company comes down to the expenditure of a lot of brain power. You have to make decisions on a daily basis, and the amount of time thinking over issues can be nerve wracking.
But what if there was a way to help you with this decision-making process? What if there was a way to make it better while at the same time working on your health as a whole? That’s what we have for you today.
Studies show that lifting and living a healthy lifestyle is not only good for your body, but it’s also good for your brain. As you lift and grow stronger you are also building a stronger and more viable supply of blood to the flow. With this increased blood flow you are boosting your alertness during the day as well as your cognitive thought patterns. How so? Well, by delivering more blood to the brain, you are also delivering more oxygen to the brain. This causes your brain to function at a higher capacity, thus allowing yourself to build stronger and quicker thought processes.
So if you are concerned about your alertness, productivity or thought concepts, consider building a workout regimen into your daily flow.
Read the full article here: Lift more for a healthier brain