You’ve built up your dream team. You’ve gathered the best, the brightest, the most innovative. Now, it’s time to put them to work. How do you do that? Today we have some tips to keep each of you and your team members working and firing on all levels. How do you keep the productivity of your team up? Here’s one suggestion…keep an open chat line for all members of your productivity team. In fact, you can keep two…one for humor and just blowing off steam. The other can be for the project everyone is working on. In the project room you can have a database built with shared files so everyone can work on, change, and share the existing data material needed for the project. In the other, well…let them converse with one another. Let them share how the weekend went, let them share funny stories, etc. You may think this will zap productivity, but it won’t. It will give them a chance to get to know each other better and to enjoy the process of working with one another. As they build relationships with one another they will not want to let each other down. For more tips on how to build a productive team, take a look at today’s article. Read the full article here: 8 productivity enhancing tips for teams