Lifehacker brings us an important article today for every executive, CEO and business leader. What is it?
That is a word that should ring clear in every leaders ear. The one thing we want more than anything else in our leadership abilities is to be productive. And learning new ways of productivity is always, well, a productive endeavor. What does this article have to offer you? Let me break it down for you so you can be even more productive and decide whether to read it or not (trust me, you should)
They summarize how there are 3 things every productive person should do daily:
First thing in the morning when you create your to-do list, start with these three entries:
- I must ______________ (a high-priority task that will have an immediate impact)
- I should ____________ (a task that will contribute to your long-term goals)
- I want ______________ (something you genuinely want to do)
With this approach, every day you’re working on something that will benefit you in the short-term, as well as lay the groundwork for long-term goals. And the “I want” task helps maintain your sanity by building in a little time for something you’re passionate about.
See there. That is a productive use of one’s time. Go read it. It will be productive for you.