If you want to advance your career in project management, you have to be consistent and get jobs done on time and budget. But you also need to go above and beyond what is required of you to stand out. There are six traits that a truly great project manager has and you should learn to master to be successful. You’ll need these traits to be able to combine the people and technical skills in order to stand out and be successful.
Key Takeaways:
- Success in project management requires both technical skill and strategic leadership skills.
- Respect your stakeholders and encourage them to build confidence. The resulting motivated stakeholders are key to the team’s success.
- Show your integrity through accountability and growing the team through group mistakes.
“Truly great project leaders go above and beyond. Not only do they execute projects within scope, they are accountable, strategic business partners fully vested in organizational success.”
Read more: https://www.cio.com.au/article/625372/6-traits-highly-effective-project-managers/?fp=16&fpid=1