7 Hidden Dangers Of Project Management (Why Even Well-Planned Projects Sometimes Fail)

Project failure occurs fairly often, no matter how well the team performs their functions. As the project’s complexity grows, so, too, does the chance of error. There are seven reasons that a project can fail: failure to define the scope of the work (and failure to adapt to changes in that scope), miscommunication among team members and different parties, having the wrong people on the team, lack of resources (monetary and human), a sponsor that leaves, a lack of focus on the quality of all aspects of the product, and an inexperienced leader.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proper communication is a must to be successful. You must make sure all members clearly understand what is expected of them, goals of the project are , and be made aware of any changes that may arise
  • Having a team of well trained people and proper resources is vital to the success of the business.
  • A well trained management team focusing on the quality of the project is necessary to be a successful team

“Tip: Set meaningful and workable goals and put one person in charge of making final decisions.”

Read more: https://www.girlsguidetopm.com/7-hidden-dangers-of-project-management-why-even-well-planned-projects-sometimes-fail/

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