Fighting Zoom Fatigue, SPACS Avoiding This Country, CACS in BaaS

Fighting Zoom Fatigue

I don’t about you, but whenever I hear the word “Zoom” now, my eyes start to twitch a bit.

People across the world are starting to feel the “Zoom Fatigue” factor now. Zoom has become so intertwined with our work lives now, Stanford has done a study Zoom fatigue and found four causes of Zoom fatigue:

  1. Too much close-up eye contact. Causing stress and social anxiety.
  2. Seeing too much of your own image. Imagine a mirror following you EVERYWHERE you went and seeing yourself looking back, it’s not normal (unless you’re a narcissist and enjoy seeing yourself).
  3. Video meetings reduce mobility. If you’re on a phone call, you can still get up and move around, but on a video meeting, you’re stuck to your seat.
  4. Cognitive load is overwhelming. Having to constantly give more non-verbal feedback is increasing the cognitive load on your brain and causing more stress.

Read more about the findings of their study here.




  • SPACS are still on a hot run, except deal flows are avoiding one place: China
  • Banking-as-a-Service is the latest trend in fintech or “SaaS-ifying” (I completely made this word up) the banking world, here’s an interesting article about improving Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) and LTV (Lifetime Value of Clients)

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