How I would get clients/build a list fast, if I had to start from zero

I recently received this question:

“If you had to start from scratch all over again, how would you build up your list from zero?” This is a question I see a lot of, and it’s actually something that I think weighs on a lot of people’s minds.

I know I think about it as well.

You know, what if, some sort of massive event happens in your life, and whether you’re in the hospital and you can’t work, or your business goes out of business, and you need to restart from zero all over again, what would you do?Well, three letters really come to mind…

…That’s: OPLThat stands for “Other People’s Lists.That’s really the quickest way you can restart all over again.So let’s just look at some more specific examples of what other people’s lists look like:

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FREE: Digital Marketing Bootcamp for Coaches, Consultants, Authors, Knowledge Experts & Service Businesses

This is not your run-of-the-mill digital marketing course.This is a no b.s., no tired tactics, tell-it-like-it-is, industry face-slapping course from a 20+ year marketing veteran.Warning: may harm your ego, not recommended for diva’s or know-it-all’s

  • The #1 element to success, without this, don’t even bother
  • I stumbled upon the 3M approach after nearly crashing & burning
  • The Bruce Lee way of digital marketing
  • The #1 reason why your marketing isn’t working
  • Why most businesses lose money on marketing
  • The answer to Google vs Facebook, it’s not what you think
  • How to rise above the noise and connect with your audience like raving BTS fans
  • The massive LIE about content marketing and inbound marketing
  • The mistake(s) everyone’s making when it comes to hiring a competent digital marketer or agency
  • The most important lesson and myth marketers avoid talking about

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The first thing you can do is look for podcasts that are related to your industry. Nowadays podcasts are so popular there’s a very high chance you can find a podcast that targets the type of people that you’re wanting to go after.

Research and compile a list of relevant podcasts, reach out to them to either get interviewed on the podcast and/or offer a free talk/training for their audience.


Another channel for leveraging other people’s audiences or list is YouTube.

What you do is reach out to people who have a channel with a decent subscriber count or you don’t have to necessarily go after people with large channels or large followings. 

Because Youtubers with large audiences may not necessarily give you any attention or respond to you because they probably get pitched by people all the time.

So you can start with somebody with a smaller subscriber count but in the relevant industry or with the right type of audience.

Consider doing a YouTube collaboration, such as doing a YouTube interview with somebody there or offer a talk for some of these YouTube channels.​

The great thing is it’s very common to see collaborations between other Youtubers.They’re already open to collaboration as it’s something that’s commonly done in the industry. So that’s a good sign. Same with podcasts.

Guest Blog or Article

Another channel to consider is doing a guest article or a guest. blog post.

Now, this is nothing new and more “traditional”. And I think a lot of people get pitched so often, for guest articles, or I guess blog posts, it kind of becomes a lot of people will start to ignore these requests, right.

So that’s why you want to look at all of these different sort of ideas.

So all you need is for one of these to work for you. We’re just brainstorming a bunch of ideas for where you can start to leverage other people’s lists or audiences.

Relevant Email Newsletters

Another good one is trying to find relevant email newsletters.

Especially in the B2B space, you’ll most likely find a an email newsletter that that is targeted towards your type of audience.

You can either consider writing an article for that particular email newsletter or, if you have the budget also put out an ad in that email newsletter.

Just because you’re starting from scratch doesn’t mean that you don’t have any budget. 

I’m not going to assume that you don’t have any budget to even just place an ad. You may or may not have that budget, but those are just some ideas that you can try.

Free talks for trade associations & co-working spaces

Another idea I like to do is doing a free talk for a relevant trade or business association or what I’ve done in the past is, I’ll take a look at a lot of the co-working spaces where they like to arrange a lot of relevant talks for their members or the people who are startups.

If you target startups then approaching co-working spaces is a great place to start.

Even if, if you’re a Freelancer or whatever you’re looking for working with startups and stuff like that, this is also another co approach and co working spaces is a great place to start.

I also got some clients before just for doing free talks at co-working spaces for their members.This is really the quickest way I would recommend if you had to start from zero and you needed to build up a list or find clients really fast – this is really the place to start.

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FREE: Digital Marketing Bootcamp for Coaches, Consultants, Authors, Knowledge Experts & Service Businesses

This is not your run-of-the-mill digital marketing course.This is a no b.s., no tired tactics, tell-it-like-it-is, industry face-slapping course from a 20+ year marketing veteran.Warning: may harm your ego, not recommended for diva’s or know-it-all’s

  • The #1 element to success, without this, don’t even bother
  • I stumbled upon the 3M approach after nearly crashing & burning
  • The Bruce Lee way of digital marketing
  • The #1 reason why your marketing isn’t working
  • Why most businesses lose money on marketing
  • The answer to Google vs Facebook, it’s not what you think
  • How to rise above the noise and connect with your audience like raving BTS fans
  • The massive LIE about content marketing and inbound marketing
  • The mistake(s) everyone’s making when it comes to hiring a competent digital marketer or agency
  • The most important lesson and myth marketers avoid talking about

Email First Name Last Name Enrol in the Free Bootcamp

By enlisting in the free Digital Marketing Bootcamp, you agree to receive the daily bootcamp email lessons and subsequent emails. There is always a link to unsubscribe if you wish to dropout.

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