News today that the Coca-Cola Co. will release their softdrink, Surge, in limited quantities for internet orders. What is Surge, you may wonder. And why is it relevant to me and my business this day?
Surge is an overly caffeinated drink that also includes about a ton of sugar…and it was supposed to be a direct competitor with PepsiCo’s Mountain Dew. Well, it never caught on as much as Coca-Cola hoped for, so they discontinued the line.
About a year after it was discontinued, a website popped up urging Coca-Cola to reissue the drink. Soon afterward, a Facebook page in support of the drink was created as well. Apparently, Coca-Cola has listened to its customer base, albeit a small base, and is now reissuing the drink in limited quantities for direct internet sales.
What can we learn from this? Well, for starters…there’s the simple question: Are you listening to your customer base? Yes. You have a product…but perhaps your client base is asking for a nuanced tweak to that product. Is it something you can afford to do, but for whatever reason (perhaps pride or drive…they are closely related, aren’t they?) you haven’t listened.
Well, think of Coca-Cola. As they listen to this demand, their overall supply is going to soar! Why? Because they are establishing a rapport with their client base that will be established on good will. As they give to the public what it is demanding, that public will in turn more fully support them in their overall endeavors. Think I’m joking? Not at all…for there is a marketing psychology involved in all of this that goes far beyond the simple notion of re-releasing a highly caffeinated and sugary drink.
Head on over, have a read, and then ask…what is being demanded of your supply today?