For any company, growth depends on four different categories of projects and there are different project managers for each of these categories. Each type of project manager can be more or less important for your needs depending in the direction you want to go in but it is important to have all four. Find out here how the prophet, the expert, the gambler and the executor can help grow your business to be successful and competitive.
Key Takeaways:
- Project managers will work to meet expectations at every stage. Come to understand the 4 types of project managers.
- Some managers are gamblers, in that they take huge risks. Others are prophets that have a message to send to people.
- Expert project managers are always an asset to many companies out there. They have the technical know how to get work done right.
“Executives partly contribute to unsuccessful projects and unrealized growth opportunities when they don’t think through who should be assigned to which projects.”
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