“Wait for Great”

How do you hire as a CEO? Do you hire to fill a need? Do you hire to fill a position?

What do you look for in a person? Do you look for charisma, potential, credibility, or potential?

An interesting hiring practice comes to us today via the CEO of Buffalo Wild Wings…CEO Sally Smith says, “You wait for great.”

What does great look like? Well, I guess in many ways that depends. It’s always going to be relative to whatever position you are hiring for. But when you know that position then you know what great will look like. It will astound you. It will blow you away. It will be so good that there will be no question in your mind that it’s time to hire that particular person.

So, are you looking to fill holes in your company? Or are you looking for greatness? Greatness will grow a business. Filling holes will only prolong the inevitable.


Read the full article here: Buffalo Wild Wings’ CEO Find the Best Employees

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