One of the biggest issues we deal with in leadership is the issue of workflow. We are constantly on the move, thinking of new ideas and places to take our businesses. With so many thoughts and ideas crowding our day, it can be hard some times to actually get some work done. But we can’t let that busyness be or excuse. Because soon that busyness will lend way to nothingness if we are not productive in our use of time.
So workflow…everyone’s got to have one. But where do we begin?
Well, for you, how about with this interview at 4 Hour Work Week with Maria Popova, the creator and writer of In this interview she discusses her own work flow for her prodigious writing at her blog and productivity in life in general. In other words, she gives insight into her own workflow.
Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and listen and learn this morning so you may continue to build upon that productivity in your own life.