Go Dum Dum For Donuts

Dum Dum Donuts in England is on to something. They’ve devised an innovative way to create a healthier donut. The facts of the matter are actually besides the point. What you must see here is that they have effectively cut the amount of calories by more than half in their donuts.

The net result? People flocking to their donut shops like no other.

What does this have to do with business and your leadership. Everything.

Actually, let me rephrase that: Absolutely Everything.

You see, what they have done is taken something that everybody wants and they’ve placed a spin on it. What is that spin? Health. Or at least the semblance of it.

You see, everyone wants donuts. What Dum Dum has done is given them an excuse to eat those donuts. They’ve made them more palatable and appealing to the conscience.

What are you doing in your own business to make it more palatable and appealing to the consciences of your target audience? In other words, in what ways do you desire to be innovative in your market and to offer more of a unique spin and solution for where your business is going?

Something to think about, perhaps, while you eat a donut.


Read the full article here: Dum Dum: The Holy Grail of Donuts

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