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Are you in sales and want to learn how to close more sales? If you have been in sales for any amount of time you realize your customers don’t always buy out of need, but want. What emotion are they feeling when buying a product from you? Learn specific strategies to include in your sales pitch today!
Key Takeaways:
- Dale Carnegie once said, When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.
- Your prospect is frustrated with the status quo, but the flip side of their annoyance is hope that things will get better.
- Anger is one step past frustration. You’ll sometimes encounter anger when things have reached a breaking point — a decision needs to be made immediately because a process or tool is so broken that a key project has ground to a halt.
“While the logical details of a sale are obviously important, all things being equal, your buyers will make decisions based on how they feel about you and your product. In fact, research shows that when decisions are reduced to pure logic, it becomes nearly impossible for people to choose between multiple options.”