McDonald’s has a new campaign online hoping to answer questions from consumers, from the internet, and even from a mythbuster!
In the video, Grant Imahara goes to the production plant in Cargill to watch the process of making beef patties for McDonald’s hamburgers. Watch below:
This is an ingenious manner of marketing that does 2 things: It harnesses the collective imaginations of the people who are looking for answers to long-held ideas, and second of all it uses the internet to mass deliver that answer.
In many ways, one can say that it’s an issue of transparency that the leaders of McDonald’s are trying to instill before the public. They are saying that they understand the concerns of the people and that they will not hide from them. In the same way, as business leaders it is this type of transparency that long-lasting trust in a company is built. Are you building up an environment of transparency before all.
I hope you are…cause, I’m lovin it!