Sales and leadership are very similar. You need to motivate others around you by your words and by your actions. Drawing people in is another aspect of what you do regularly as a sales person and a leader.
With these various elements combined you see just how important it is to use your words concisely, specifically and effortlessly. So how do you learn to do that? One way is by realizing practice makes perfect. Learning to speak and draw people in is a key construct to what you’ll be doing on a regular basis as a sales person and as a leader.
For this reason, our words, specific words, become more important than ever. So learn to use those words effortlessly and with passion.
People are drawn to that specific type of presentation and overall confidence. With that in mind we give you some of the best things you can do to prepare yourself for a stellar year of sales and leadership. Take a look at this advice and put it into action in your own work ethic to turn things on their head.
Read the full article here: 39 best pieces of sales advice you’ll hear this year