The Rookie Sales Closing Mistake That Kills Done Deals

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In Art Sobczak’s article relating to business deals, they speak of some of the rookie mistakes that are often made when you’re attempting to close off a deal and it ends up backfiring killing off the deal. One of the factors that lead into customers pulling away from the deal is that representatives continue to blab and annoy the customer shying them away from the company. Art tells us to remember to listen actively and sell to the person to their reasons not your own.

Key Takeaways:

  • People buy for their reasons, not yours.
  • If they have already bought — regardless of whether that has been explicitly vocalized — stop selling and move to the next step.
  • If the buyer has flat out said that they’d like to buy, slam on your presentation brakes and shift into the details of getting the thing closed, delivered, implemented, etc

“Keep this fundamental rule in mind: People buy for their reasons, not yours.”

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