div#keypoints {
margin-left: 2em; margin-top: 0.5em;
li#takeaway1, li#takeaway2, li#takeaway3 {
p#quote {
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Sales can be a very tough department to make it big in. Sometimes not having the natural talent or edge can stop you at the door. But, if you’ve worked hard enough and spent the time paying your dues, you are past the door and now you’ve got someone on the phone. Don’t be nervous there are some amazing tips out there that can make your life easier and more profitable as well.
Key Takeaways:
- Just before closing the call, ask them one more question regarding something they’ve shared with you.
- Repeat back to the prospect one thing you learned from them, as a way to confirm you’ve been listening.
- Thank the other person, ending the call in the same classy manner as you began the call.
“Gain a commitment as to the purpose for the next call. Typically this will be based on the key information you learned from them.”